Agriculture Reference
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According to the global travellers the organization interviewed, those
who had never been to Australia ranked the top five culinary tourism des-
tinations as:
1. 54% France
2. 53% Italy
3. 31% Japan
4. 29% Thailand
5. 23% Australia
The global travellers interviewed who had been to Australia ranked their top
five culinary tourism destinations as follows:
1. 62% France
2. 57% Italy
3. 53% Australia
4. 42% Japan
5. 42% Hong Kong
The overall observation is that France and Italy are the key global culinary
destinations followed by Australia and Japan. Once a tourist has visited
Australia their view of culinary tourism rises and improves significantly.
This provides a marketing opportunity for individual businesses to develop
unique marketing niches.
France has developed the 'gastronomic meal of the French'; this was
awarded 'world heritage' status by UNESCO in 2010, to recognize the im-
portance of their historic food culture. A number of other countries and re-
gions have tried to develop the same model. Traditional Mexican cuisine
and Peruvian cuisine have been listed as UNESCO heritage, and Catalonia
in Spain is trying to gain UNESCO world heritage recognition. In Portugal,
various elements of national and regional gastronomy have been enshrined
as national heritage in Portuguese law. All these factors are helping to de-
velop food tourism and the opportunities food tourism creates for individual
tourist and culinary operators.
Should a Business be in Food Tourism?
When the rate of change outside of your business is quicker than the rate of
change inside your business, you have a short-lived business
Jack Welch, CEO, General Electric, USA
As food tourism is a growth sector of many economies around the world,
should every rural food-based producer consider moving into the sector?
The answer is a definite no.
Businesses in tourism have a different focus to those that are purely in
production and the skills to develop a tourist-focused business are com-
pletely different.
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