Agriculture Reference
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Plan an effective layout
A good layout embraces four essential factors: sequence, focus, simplicity
and eye appeal. Begin with these key components in mind and on comple-
tion of the design check that the layout reflects these essential elements.
Get the sequence correct
To make sense the advert needs to be in logical order when read. In advertis-
ing, sequence is important when preparing an advert. Aim to make the con-
tent capable of creating what advertisers call AIDCA: 2
A ttention: the advert grabs the reader's attention;
I interest; it gets the reader's interest;
D esire: it arouses the reader's interest to delve further;
C onviction: the reader makes a decision;
A ction: the reader knows the call to action.
Always consider what the most important part of the message is that
you want the reader to concentrate on. This can be achieved by different type
face, colour, pointed finger or arrows.
The KISS principle
Successful advertisements rely on the KISS principle: 'Keep It Simple Sells'.
Remember space in an advert sells, too many adverts are too cluttered and
therefore confuse readers.
The development of digital TV has now made TV a potential marketing tool
for many more businesses. This is especially true for rural businesses as they
can often get cheaper time slots than city-based businesses. Plus cooking and
food programmes are very much in vogue and the Food Channel is available
in many countries.
Getting on television is very much the same as getting into a magazine;
get to know the key players and market your business to those players. Do
not be afraid to invest in a 'dummy' programme of your facility and send it
to the programme editor. Even if they reject it you can still use it as a mar-
keting tool on your webpage.
Local radio is a wonderful way to become accustomed to dealing with the
media and it is an effective marketing tool. Compared with many other ways
of marketing in non-central business district areas, it is a cost effective way of
advertising and will often reach more people than any other media.
Before doing a radio interview or advert, talk to the radio company and
find out who their target market is. Often the demographics change by the
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