Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Programmes provide income in two ways: (i) the event organizer can
sell advertising space in the programme; and (ii) the programme can be sold
to festival guests. According to Patricia Mestern who organizes festivals for
the food industry in Canada and author of So you Want to Hold a Festival,
The A-Z of Festival and Special Event Organization , 12 you will need 1,000 pro-
grammes for every 10,000 guests. Sales of programmes can be increased if
a competition is promoted and built into the programme. Patricia suggests
then you will sell 6,000 programmes to every 10,000 guests.
Other income can come from special events inside the festival. For ex-
ample, the event organizers may organize a Saturday night concert and
charge extra for the concert.
The other main source of income can be from souvenirs. This can be chal-
lenging as the organizer has to invest in souvenirs well before the event and
it is exceptionally difficult to decide what will sell. We know many organiza-
tions that have boxes of souvenirs that have not sold.
Festival ideas
Food festivals come in all shapes and sizes. The aim should be to create a unique
festival for your area rather than copying something that someone else has done.
One of the biggest attractions at many shows is the heaviest, biggest or
longest fruit and vegetable. Who can grow the largest pumpkin is a favourite
competition for local domestic vegetable growers. This can be the largest in
the community or the largest in the world.
At the time of writing the global record holders include:
Heaviest sweet potato
11.2 kg
Largest marrow
65 kg
Norfolk, UK
Heaviest jackfruit
34.4 kg
Hawaii, USA
Largest green cabbage
34.4 kg
Alaska, USA
Largest watermelon
122 kg
Largest pumpkin
76.6 kg
Massachusetts, USA
Longest cucumber
1 m
Bath, UK
Fig. 5.4. The world's biggest
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