Information Technology Reference
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Address, addressing
Formulating and articulating a response; e.g., to
address a risk is to formulate and articulate a
response to that risk in terms of accept, ignore,
share, transfer, or mitigate.
A formal process to resolve conflicts or disputes.
Establish a direct link to or correlation with.
One who applies the discipline of architecture.
Architectural add-on
Architectural constructs added to the architectural
baseline during a project, or otherwise, until
adopted as part of the architectural framework and
included in a future architectural baseline.
Architectural baseline
A snapshot of the architectural framework at a point
in time. An architectural framework is a living
construct. However, to be useful, a baseline
provides a “line in sand” that states, for the
moment, this is what the architectural framework
looks like.
Architectural component
A generic term referring to the discrete items
comprising an architectural framework or
architectural process.
Architectural driver
A motivation behind the architecture. Examples
include business, technical, and architectural
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