Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix i:
problem Assertion
Document template
Problem Assertion Document (PAD) for
Company Name
Insert a brief introduction that includes pending activity and motivation for the
PAD. The objective of a formal problem assertion document (PAD) is to ensure the
identification and articulation of the right problem. The subsequent solution will then
address and resolve the real problem.
In brief, a problem is the experience of an undesirable state or outcome. The
PAD provides assistance to think about, identify, and articulate the problem. The
benefits of the PAD include a standard approach to problem assertions that is con-
sistent, comprehensive, and repeatable. The formality of the PAD methodology
provides the ability to capture lessons learned from each experience and to evolve
the PAD template to incorporate these learned lessons.
In producing a solution to a problem, there are four possible outcomes:
1. Right solution to the right problem (RSRP)
2. Right solution to the wrong problem (RSWP)
3. Wrong solution to the right problem (WSRP)
4. Wrong solution to the wrong problem (WSWP)
The target result is RSRP; even so, this is just the beginning. An additional
factor is the degree of the problem that the solution resolves. If indeed we end up
with the right solution to the right problem, that solution may resolve less than 100
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