Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Once a solution is developed or acquired, it must be made to work. Typically, imple-
mentation occurs as pilot or controlled introduction to ensure functionality and busi-
ness it. The general principle is that it is cheaper to work out the kinks early, on a
smaller scale, than after a broad enterprise deployment. The desired result of the pilot
is to predict the solution's effectiveness across the organization. Inherent in working
effectively is working securely. Though inherent, there is still the need to highlight spe-
cific requirements for IA and to ensure those requirements are in the final solution.
Once the solution demonstrates viability (works at all), there is need to test that
solution to ensure that it works to fulfill the business need within specified opera-
tional parameters, that is, test that the solution works effectively. Testing a solution
works effectively also includes testing that the solution works securely.
Following successful testing, the solution must be deployed throughout the broader
The organization's personnel must learn how to use that solution to achieve the busi-
ness objectives. Training (including awareness, training, and education) includes
management, operations, and the user community. Training often precedes deploy-
ment, or is offered in conjunction with it, especially in a phased deployment.
Operate and Maintain
Solution architects, engineers, and builders control the solution up through deploy-
ment. During the deployment phase, there is a transition from building the solution
to operating and maintaining that solution. In the operate and maintain phase, the
builders move on to the next initiative and the operations group takes ownership
of the solution.
All operations should align with organizational strategic objectives and policy.
Recognizing when an operational process should be retired is problematic. The
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