Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 12
the Frameworks
12.1 introduction
Frameworks both facilitate and challenge our mental models. Frameworks facili-
tate by providing guidelines, and challenge by providing an alternative perspec-
tive. Frameworks provide a disciplined approach to complexity management by
decomposing the problem into manageable chunks. Frameworks help to ensure we
address the right problem; little is worse than a multiyear investment to produce a
brilliant solution to the wrong problem.
Frameworks distill complex issues into conceptual components. These concep-
tual components are often abstract, but need to be abstract to capture the essence of
the issue. Many frameworks may seem elementary or oversimplified. This is not to
trivialize the subjects that they deal with; rather, it is to identify the essence of those
subjects for development of an IA architecture. For example, business accounting
can be quite complex. The essence of business accounting boils down to revenues
coming in and expenses going out.
IA 2 advocates the use of not one, but many frameworks to look at the problem
from many perspectives. By outlining the problem from various perspectives, you
have a greater opportunity to ensure the following:
An accurate problem identification by taking into account all of the organi-
zation's significant operations
A problem definition that covers all the relevant areas of the organization
A solution definition that is enterprisewide
Planning, testing, implementation, tracking, and reporting that involves
every business area of the organization that is impacted
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