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identified by different research groups are fre-
quently colocalized, which suggests the possi-
bility of a real QTL and/or a QTL with a broad
spectrum of resistance against Xoo .
ing that accumulation of thiamine regulated by
OsDR8 may be required for resistance to Xoo .
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cas-
cades have a pivotal role in PTI and ETI. Sev-
eral rice MAPKs have been reported to function
either as an activator or a suppresser in rice resis-
tance to Xoo . The MPK6 is a two-faced player in
rice- Xoo interactions; it functions as a positive
regulator in local resistance to Xoo , whereas it
is a negative regulator for SAR after Xoo infec-
tion (Shen et al. 2010). Auxin facilitates Xoo
invasion of rice (Ding et al. 2008; Fu et al.
2011), and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is a major
form of auxin in most plants. GH3-2 and GH3-
8 encode IAA-amido synthetases that deactivate
IAA by conjugating it to an amino acid, which
prevents IAA-induced loosening of the cell wall,
the natural protective barrier of plant cells against
pathogens. Thus, GH3-2 and GH3-8 contribute
to basal resistance. GH3-1 may function in the
same way as GH3-2 and GH3-8 in rice resis-
tance against Xoo (Domingo et al. 2009; Kou
et al. 2010).
More than one gene may contribute to a resis-
tance QTL. WRKY13 and GH3-2 , which are
tightly linked on rice chromosome 1, may col-
lectively contribute to a minor resistance QTL
conferring resistance to Xoo (Fu et al. 2011).
Recently, great progress has been made in char-
acterizing the genes contributing to resistance
QTLs against Xoo in rice. At least one major
QTL ( WRKY45 ) that explains more than 10%
phenotypic variation and eight minor QTLs
( NRR , WRKY13 , OsDR8 , MPK6 , GH3-1 , GH3-
2 , GH3-8 , and C3H12 ) that explain less than
10% phenotypic variation against Xoo have been
characterized (Hu et al. 2008; Kou et al. 2010;
Fu et al. 2011; Deng et al. 2012). These genes
provide the preliminary information for under-
standing the molecular basis of rice quantitative
resistance to Xoo .
All the characterized genes contributing to
resistance QTLs against Xoo belong to defense-
responsive genes based on the features of their
encoding proteins and biochemical functions or
predicted functions in rice- Xoo interaction. The
encoding proteins of these genes appear to func-
tion in the MR protein-mediated defense path-
way or a basal defense pathway either as posi-
tive or negative regulators in rice resistance to
Xoo . WRKY45 locus has at least two alleles,
WRKY45-1 and WRKY45-2 , which encode pro-
teins with a 10-amino acid difference (Tao et al.
2009). WRKY45-1 acts as a negative regulator,
whereas WRKY45-2 is a positive regulator in
rice resistance to Xoo . As described previously,
WRKY45-2 , WRKY13 , and C3H12 all function
in Xa3/Xa26 -initiated defense signaling pathway
and NRR functions in Xa21 -initiated defense sig-
naling pathway in rice- Xoo interactions. OsDR8
encodes an enzyme-like protein involved in thi-
amine biosynthesis (Wang et al. 2006). OsDR8 -
suppressing plants showed compromised resis-
tance to Xoo accompanied by reduced thiamine
level; exogenous application of thiamine restored
the resistance of the transgenic plants, suggest-
A number of defense-responsive genes have
been reported to positively or negatively regu-
late partial resistance to Xoo , such as NH1 , XB3 ,
TGA2.1 , Spl11 , WRKY 62, WRKY71 , WRKY76 ,
MPK5 , MPK12 , and Rac1. However, their asso-
ciation with resistance QTLs to Xoo has not
been reported (Kou et al. 2010). As previously
described, NH1 and TGA2.1 are involved in
SAR, and XB3 , WRKY62 , and WRKY76 function
in a Xa21 -mediated defense pathway. The mutant
of Spl11 confers broad-spectrum resistance to
both Xoo and M. oryzae (Zeng et al. 2004).
Overexpression of WRKY71 in rice resulted in
constitutive expression of NH1 and PR1b and
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