Biology Reference
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and colleagues (2006b) evaluated 136 accessions
belonging to seven wild Cicer species and found
23 accessions of C. judaicum ,3of C. reticula-
tum, and3of C. bijugum that showed resistant
reactions, although none were immune. Kaur
and colleagues (2007) found inter- and intra-
accession variations for resistance to BGM in
six wild Cicer species, and resistant plants main-
tained their resistance in subsequent evaluation.
The attempt to introduce the resistance genes
from wild species to cultivated chickpea pro-
duced only a few interspecific hybrids with mod-
erate levels of resistance to BMG and desirable
agronomic traits (Pande et al. 2006a).
Although rust in chickpea is considered a
minor disease, it may become more impor-
tant with climate changes. A limited number of
studies to identify rust-resistant genotypes have
been carried out, and resistance was found in
wild Cicer spp. ( C. reticulatum, C. echinosper-
mum, C. judaicum, and C. bijugum ) (Rubiales
et al. 2001). Recently a severe rust epidemic
was observed in northern India (Dhaulakuan),
where 57 entries of CIABN were evaluated, but
only one line - FLIP05-74C - survived the epi-
demic and thus carries potential resistance to rust
(Dr. M. Imtiaz, personal communication). Rust-
resistant RILs from a cross between C. arietinum
(ILC72), as susceptible parent, and C. reticula-
tum (Cr5-10
ing for resistance to diseases that are increasingly
becoming a threat in the chickpea industry.
Progress in Introgression of
Resistance Genes
Multiple resistances to diseases in wild Cicer
are frequently reported (Singh et al. 1998;
Yadav et al. 2003; Nguyen et al. 2005; Kumar
et al. 2011). Many interspecific crosses have
been made in recent years, mainly at ICARDA,
ICRISAT, and some national research institu-
tions or programs. However, none of these efforts
has resulted in the release of new cultivars
and subsequent use by farmers (Chaturvedi and
Nadarajan 2010). There is still a gap between
producing breeding lines derived from inter-
specific hybridization and releasing high yield-
ing cultivars with good agronomic performance
and quality, especially for the large-seeded Kab-
uli type. However, some examples of success-
ful transfer have been reported. Singh and
colleagues (2005) obtained four Desi and two
Kabuli lines possessing a high degree of resis-
tance to wilt, foot rot, and root rot diseases,
from interspecific crosses between varieties of
cultivated chickpea with a C. reticulatum acces-
sion, and recorded 6-17% seed yield increase
over the best check cultivars. In India, vari-
ety BG 1103 (PUSA 1103) of Desi type was
developed from a cross (Pusa 256 x C. retic-
ulatum ) x Pusa 362 and has significantly out-
yielded all the well adapted checks in multi-
location yield testing during 2000 and 2003.
The variety BG 1103 has multiple resistances
against soil-borne diseases and waterlogging.
It is suitable for late planting in north India
(International Chickpea Genomics Consortium;
PI593062), as resistant parent,
were obtained by Spanish breeders. One of those
RILs was selected and registered as PI642748,
which also is resistant to AB (Rubio et al. 2006,
Table 11.2).
In the case of Phytophthora root rot caused by
Phytophthora medicaginis, an important disease
of chickpea in Australia, through targeted field
screening, two accessions of C. arietinum and
C. echinospermum were found resistant (Brins-
mead et al. 1985; Knights et al. 2008). Introgres-
sion of these resistance genes into the cultigen
allowed for a substantial yield increase in resis-
tant cultivars when compared with susceptible
ones (Singh et al. 1994). Some progress has been
made in breeding, but nevertheless, substantial
concerted efforts are needed to enhance breed-
Integrated Disease Management
Although developing and planting resistant cul-
tivars is the most economical means of man-
aging chickpea diseases, in the absence of
completely resistant cultivars, integrated disease
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