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2000). The specific resistance gene in MDRK
effective against race 1545 most likely corre-
sponds to Co-1 gene.
Genotype JaloEEP558 was derived from the
cross of two Andean landrace cultivars, Rox-
inho x Pao from Brazil, and is one of the par-
ents used to construct the bean integrated link-
age map (Freyre et al. 1998). Two closely linked
anthracnose resistance genes from JaloEEP558
were mapped at the end of Pv01 in the RIL pop-
ulation BAT93/JaloEEP558 (B/J). One of these
genes confers specific resistance against C. lin-
demuthianum isolates 40, 82, 100, and 3616, and
the other gene confers specific resistance against
strain E25 (Geffroy 1997; Geffroy et al. 2008).
These genes named as Co-w and Co-x , respec-
tively, may correspond with the Co-1 gene based
on their relative positions in the genetic map. The
correspondence between these genes cannot be
confirmed because the anthracnose strains used
by Geffroy et al. (2008) are unknown as it was
not characterized on the uniform differential set.
One of the quantitative trait loci (QTL) associ-
ated with resistance in B/J population (Geffroy
et al. 2000) is most likely associated with the
Co-1 cluster from the JaloEEP558 parent.
In the cultivar Kaboon, a second allele at the
Co-1 locus, Co-1 2 , was reported by Melotto and
Kelly (2000). Three closely linked race-specific
resistance genes were mapped at the end of Pv01
analyzing the F 2:3 population derived from the
cross Kaboon x Michelite: two dominant genes
conferring specific resistance to races 81 and
1545 and a dominant gene with a complemen-
tary mode of action for the resistance to race 31
(Campa et al. 2011). The organization observed
suggests that the Co-1 gene is actually a cluster
of closely linked race-specific resistance genes.
This resistance cluster is linked to the OF10 530
marker, located in the same relative position as
the specific resistance gene against race 1545
mapped in MDRK.
Cultivar Andecha is a very valuable large
white-seeded cultivar originating from a selec-
tion of landraces from Asturias, Spain (Ferreira
et al. 2012). This cultivar carries a single dom-
inant gene conferring intermediate resistance to
race 65, linked to OF10 530 marker on Pv01
(Rodrıguez-Suarez et al. 2007). Based on their
relative map position, this resistance gene can be
part of the Co-1 cluster.
Cultivar Xana is a bean variety developed at
SERIDA (Spain) from a cross between the two
Andean genotypes, Andecha and V203. Using
the RIL population derived from the cross Xana
x Cornell 49242 (Perez-Vega et al. 2010), two
closely linked genes from Xana conferring spe-
cific resistance to races 73 and 65, respectively,
were mapped in Pv01 linked to OF10 530 marker
(Campa et al. unpublished data). Based on their
relative map position, these resistance genes cor-
respond to cluster Co-1.
Genotype AND277 is an important resistance
source used in breeding programs in Brazil and
Southern Africa (Carvalho et al. 1998; Aggarwal
et al. 2004). Resistance to races 65 and 2047 has
been mapped to Pv01 in F 2 and F 2:3 populations,
respectively, derived from the cross AND277
(R) x Ouro Negro (S). A gene conferring resis-
tance to race 73 in AND277 was also located
on Pv01 using a F 2 population derived from the
cross AND277 x Ruda (Gon¸alves-Vidigal et al.
2011). This resistance gene, corresponding to
Co-1 , was named as the Co-1 4 allele, closely
linked to the CV542014 and TGA1.1STS mark-
ers (Gon¸alves-Vidigal et al. 2011).
The presence of a race-specific resistant gene
Co-1 5 on Pv01 was proposed in the differential
cultivar Widusa (Gon¸alves-Vidigal and Kelly
2006) based on the lack of segregation in the
crosses Widusa x MDRK and Widusa x Kaboon
against race 65 (an isolate of race 65 that over-
comes BAT93). The location of this resistance
specificity on Pv01 should be confirmed by ana-
lyzing its linkage relationship between the resis-
tance gene and markers linked to the Co-1 locus
on Pv01.
Cultivar Perry Marrow was crossed with
MDRK and Kaboon to test for allelism inoculat-
ing with race 73 (Melotto and Kelly 2000; Men-
doza et al. 2001). No segregation was observed
in either of the two F 2 populations. Considering
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