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2 π
λ ðn c 2 n m Þd
Φ 5
where d is the cellular thickness, n c is the intracellular refractive index averaged over the
optical path length through the specimen, and n m is the refractive index of the surroun di ng
medium. Consequently, the information concerning the intracellular content related to n c is
intrinsically mixed with the morphological information related to the thickness d . Due to this
dual dependence, the phase signal remains difficult to interpret. As an illustration, a simple
hypotonic shock induc e s a phase signal decrease [41] difficult to interpret as cellular swelling
but consistent with an n c decrease from a dilution of the intracellular content by an osmotic
water influx. Ac co rdingly, some strategies have been developed to separately measure the
morphology and n c . Kemper et al. [20] and Lue et al. [116] measured the intracellular
refractive index by trapping cells between two cover glasses separated by a known distance.
These approaches, preventing cell movements, preclude the possibility of exploring cell
dynamic processes. We have developed another approach to separately measure the
parameters n c and d from the phase signal
, based on a modification of the extracellular
refractive index n m . Basically, this method consists of performing a slight alteration of the
extracellular refractive index n m and recording two holograms corresponding to the two
different values of n m , allowing the reconstruction of two quantitative phase images (
1 ,
2 )
described by the following system of two equations for each pixel i :
λ 1 ðn c ; i 2 n m ; 1 Þd i
Φ 1 ; i 5
λ 2 ðn c ; i 2 n m ; 2
Þd i
; i
where (
1 ,
2 ) are the wavelengths of the light source.
By solving this system of two equations, we obtain n c ; i and d i for each pixel i .Wehave
considered two different approaches to modify n m : the first approach requires
sequentially perfusing a standard cell perfusion solution, and a second solution with a
different refractive index but with the same osmolarity (to avoid cell volume variation)
to record the two corresponding holograms, at a single wavelength, (
5 λ
2 ). The
refractive index of the second solution is increased by replacing mannitol (a hydrophilic
sugar present in the standard perfusion solution) with equal molarity of the hydrophilic
molecule Nycodenz, a small molecule known for its high capability to modify the
refractive index [41] . Nevertheless, this approach, due to the solution exchange time,
precludes the possibility of monitoring dynamic changes of cell morphology and n c
occurring during fast biological processes. To overcome these drawbacks, we have
developed a dual-wavelength (
2 )DHM [117] , which exploits the dispersion of the
extracellular medium, enhanced by the utilization of an extracellular dye ( n m,1 5 n m
6¼ λ
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