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Figure 2.10
Simultaneous observation of live Spisula oocyte treated with DNA-specific fluorescent marker
(Hoechst 33342) by (A) fluorescence and (B and C) OI-DIC microscopy techniques—(B) gradient
and (C) phase (dry mass). Image size is 64
chromosomes is somewhat larger than the fluorescence image because it shows both
proteins and DNA, while the fluorescence depicts stained DNA only.
This result indicates that OI-DIC can be used to visualize chromosomes in living cells and
provides sufficient detail to recognize chromosomes by their dynamic individual
three-dimensional shapes. OI-DIC imaging assessed the distribution of DNA in healthy
living cells without using fluorescent DNA markers and irradiating with excess excitation
light. Time-lapse imaging of DNA distribution during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle by
this noninvasive methodology is an important tool. Moreover, as OI-DIC provides a
two-dimensional distribution of the amount of DNA within an extremely thin optical
section, OI-DIC enables reconstruction of the three-dimensional distribution of DNA in
the nucleus.
This work was supported by NIH Grant Number R01-EB005710.
[1] F.H. Smith, Interference microscope, US Patent 2601175, (5 August 1947).
[2] F.H. Smith, Microscopic interferometry, Research (London) 8 (1955) 385.
[3] A.A. Lebedeff, Polarization interferometer and its applications, Rev. Opt. 9 (1930) 385.
[4] G. Nomarski, Interferential polarizing device for study of phase object, US Patent 2924142 (14 May 1952).
[5] R.D. Allen, G.B. David, G. Nomarski, The Zeiss Nomarski differential equipment for transmitted light
microscopy, Zeitschrift f¨r Wissenschaftliche Mikroscopie und Mickroskopische Technik 69(4) (1969) 193.
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