Graphics Reference
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For line geometries, we'll calculate the length of the line and update the total length:
if geometry.type() == QGis.Line:
length = int(calculator.measure (geometry) /
tot_length = tot_length + length
feature_info = "line of length %d kilometers" %
For polygon geometries, we'll calculate the area of the polygon and update the total area:
elif geometry.type() == QGis.Polygon:
area = int(calculator.measure (geometry) /
tot_area = tot_area + area
feature_info = "polygon of area %d square
kilometers" % area
Finally, for the other types of geometries, we'll simply display the geometry's type:
geom_type =
feature_info = "geometry of type %s" % geom_type
Now that we've done these calculations, we can display the feature's label together with
the information we calculated about this feature:
print "%s: %s" % (feature_label, feature_info)
Finally, when we've finished iterating over the features, we can display the total line
length and polygon area for all the features in the shapefile:
print "Total length of all line features: %d" %
print "Total area of all polygon features: %d" %
This completes our program for analyzing the contents of a shapefile. The full source for
this program is available in the code samples provided with this topic. To test our pro-
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