Graphics Reference
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Vertex snapping
To implement vertex snapping, we're going to add some new methods to MapToolMixin .
We'll start with the findFeatureAt() method. This method finds a feature close to the
click location. Here is the implementation of this method:
def findFeatureAt(self, pos, excludeFeature=None):
mapPt,layerPt = self.transformCoordinates(pos)
tolerance = self.calcTolerance(pos)
searchRect = QgsRectangle(layerPt.x() - tolerance,
layerPt.y() - tolerance,
layerPt.x() + tolerance,
layerPt.y() + tolerance)
request = QgsFeatureRequest()
for feature in self.layer.getFeatures(request):
if excludeFeature != None:
if ==
return feature
return None
As you can see, this method takes an optional excludeFeature parameter. This lets us
exclude a given feature from the search, which will be important later on.
Next up, we'll define the findVertexAt() method, which identifies the vertex close to
the given click location (if any). Here is the implementation of this method:
def findVertexAt(self, feature, pos):
mapPt,layerPt = self.transformCoordinates(pos)
tolerance = self.calcTolerance(pos)
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