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Chapter 8. Building a Complete Mapping
Application using Python and QGIS
In this chapter, we will design and start building a complete turnkey mapping application.
While our example application might seem somewhat specialized, the process of designing
and implementing this application, and much of the code that we use, will apply to all sorts
of mapping applications that you might like to write yourself.
Due to the complexity of the application we're creating, we will split the implementation
across two chapters. In this chapter, we will lay the groundwork for the mapping applica-
tion by:
• Designing the application
• Building the high-resolution basemap on which our vector data will be displayed
• Implementing the overall structure of the application
• Defining the application's user interface
In the following chapter, we will implement the map tools that let the user enter and manip-
ulate map data, edit attributes, and calculate the shortest path between two points.
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