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Figure 7.7 Output produced by the nested loop example program
increment operator is used to increment the count. Because s and t are defined
locally there is, in fact, no need to use different variables and the following code
would produce exactly the same result:
/* Name:
/* Language:
Borland C++ 4.5
/* Output:
Table of decimal, hex. and ASCII characters */
/* Note:
Program runs in a DOS console window
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int s;
while (s < 4)
printf("Outer loop count = %d\n", s);
return 0;
int inner()
int s;
while (s < 4)
printf("\tInner loop count = %d\n", s);
Inputs and prompts
A single character can be returned from the standard input (usually the keyboard)
by means of the getchar() function. The following routine shows how a single
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