Hardware Reference
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This is the standard error stream and is an output stream speci-
fically intended to receive error messages. By default is directed
to the standard output (like stdout ), but it can be redirected to a
log file or any other output device.
A stdio.h stream is represented by a pointer to a FILE structure that contains
internal info about properties and indicators of a file. Normally data contained
in these structures is not referenced directly. When using stdio.h , pointers to
FILE structures are used to pass parameters to I/O functions.
Stdio.h function summary
clearerr Reset error indicators
fclose Close a stream
feof Check if End Of File ( EOF ) has been reached
ferror Check for errors
fflush Flush a stream
fgetc Get next character from a stream
fgetpos Get position in a stream
fgets Get string from a stream
fopen Open a file
fprintf Print formatted data to a stream
fputc Write character to a stream
fputchar Write character to stdout
fputs Write string to a stream
fread Read block of data from a stream
freopen Reopen a file using a different file mode
fscanf Read formatted data from a stream
fseek Reposition stream's position indicator
fsetpos Reposition file pointer to a saved location
ftell Return the current position of the file pointer
fwrite Write block of data to a stream
getc Get the next character
getchar Get the next character from stdin
gets Get a string from stdin
getw Get the next int value from a stream
perror Print error message
printf Print formatted data to stdout
putc Write character to a stream
putchar Write character to stdout
puts Write a string to stdout
putw Write an integer to a stream
remove Delete a file
rename Rename a file or directory
Reposition file pointer to the beginning of a stream
Read formatted data from stdin
Change stream buffering
Change stream buffering
Format data to a string
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