Hardware Reference
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Disadvantages of
assembly language
Unfortunately, when compared with higher-level languages, assembly language
has a number of drawbacks; most notable of which are the following:
Programs require considerably more development time (including writing,
assembling, linking or loading, and debugging) than their equivalent written
in a high-level language.
Programs are not readily transportable between microprocessors from differ-
ent families. Different microprocessors have different internal architectures
and, in particular, the provision of registers accessible to the programmer
will vary from one microprocessor to another. Differences in internal archi-
tecture is reflected in corresponding differences in the type and function of
the software instructions provided for the programmer.
The situation is further compounded by the fact that microprocessor manu-
facturers frequently adopt different terminology to refer to the same thing.
The variety of names used to describe the register used to indicate the out-
come of the last arithmetic logic unit (ALU) operation (and the internal
status of the microprocessor) is a case in point. This is variously referred to
as a Flag Register, Status Register, Condition Code Register, and Processor
Status Word.
In practice this means that the system designer is constrained to select one
particular microprocessor type or family, and develop code exclusively for
this particular device. This, of course, is not a particular problem in the case
of the PC and compatible equipment which are all based on the standard x86
and Pentium families.
Unless liberally commented, the action of an assembly language program is
not obvious from merely reading the source text. Programs written in high-
level language are usually easy to comprehend and their structure is usually
The production of efficient assembly language programs requires a relatively
high degree of proficiency on the part of the programmer. Such expertise
can usually only be acquired as a result of practical experience aided by
appropriate training.
Developing assembly
language programs
The process of developing an assembly language program depends on a number
of factors including the hardware configuration available for software develop-
ment and the range of software tools available to the developer. As a minimum,
the task normally involves the following steps:
Analysing the problem and producing a specification for both hardware and
software (see Chapter 4).
Developing the overall structure of the program, defining the individual ele-
ments and modules within it, and identifying those which already exist (or
can be easily modified or extended) within the programmer's existing library.
Coding each new module required using assembly language mnemonics,
entering the text using an editor, and saving each source code module to disk
using an appropriate filename.
Assembling each source code module (using an assembler) to produce an
intermediate relocatable object code file.
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