Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
The amount of EMM is determined by the Program Interchange File (PIF).
This may either be one that is associated with an application or, if unspecified,
will be _default.pif. If the size specified in the PIF file is 0, EMM will be
disabled and the EMM line will be ignored.
A typical CONFIG.NT file (created using a simple text editor) might be as
dos=high, umb (load DOS into high memory)
device=%SystemRoot% \ system32 \ himem.sys (use the himem memory manager)
(allow for 40 open files)
The AUTOEXEC.BAT file allows you to automatically execute a series of pro-
grams and DOS utilities to add further functionality to a system when the system
is initialized. AUTOEXEC.BAT normally contains a sequence of DOS com-
mands but in addition it can also contain the name of an application or shell
that will be launched automatically when the system is booted. This is a useful
facility if you always use the same shell or application whenever you power-up
your system, or if you wish to protect the end-user from the need to remember
rudimentary DOS commands (such as MD, CD, XCOPY, etc.).
AUTOEXEC.BAT is typically used to:
set up the system prompt (see page 118);
define the path for directory searches (using SET PATH, see page 118);
execute certain DOS utilities (e.g. SHARE);
load a mouse driver (e.g. MOUSE.COM);
launch an application or menu program (e.g. MENU.BAT).
It is important to note that Windows and some DOS programs have their
own built-in mouse drivers and can thus communicate directly with the mouse.
However, if you regularly use a mouse with DOS applications, you will prob-
ably wish to include reference to your mouse driver within the AUTOEXEC.
BAT file.
If you are operating from within a DOS environment and you do decide to
experiment with your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, it is essential
to make sure that you keep back-up copies of your original files (CONFIG.BAK,
CONFIG.OLD, etc.). If you are experiencing problems with memory limitations
you can use the MEM command with the PROGRAM , DEBUG ,or /CLASSIFY switches
to see the effect of changes made to DOS drivers and memory managers.
A typical AUTOEXEC.BAT file (once again created using nothing more than
a simple text editor) might be as follows:
PROMPT $P$G (prompt with directory path)
LOADHIGH=C: \ DOS \ SHARE.EXE (permits file sharing and locking)
SET COMSPEC=C: \ DOS \ COMMAND.COM (specify the location of the command interpreter)
SET PATH=C: \ DOS;C: \ UTILITY;C: \ TOOLS (search DOS, UTILITY, and APPS directories)
(launch the menu batch file)
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