Hardware Reference
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This useful command allows you to display the contents of an
ASCII (text) file on the console screen. The TYPE command can
be used with options which enable or disable paged mode
displays. The <PAUSE> key or <CTRL-S> combination may be
used to halt the display. You can press any key or use the
<CTRL-Q> combination respectively to restart. <CTRL-C> may be
used to abort the execution of the TYPE command and exit to the
will display the contents of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file stored in
the root directory of drive C:. The file will be sent to the screen.
will display the contents of a file called PROG1.ASM stored in
the root directory of the disk in drive B. The file will be sent to
the screen.
will display the contents of all the files with a DOC extension
present in the WORK directory of the hard disk (drive C:).
You can use the TYPE command to send the contents of a file
to the printer at the same time as viewing it on the screen. If you
need to do this, press <CTRL-P> before you issue the TYPE
command (but do make sure that the printer is 'online' and ready
to go!). To disable the printer output you can use the <CTRL-P>
combination a second time.
The ability to redirect data is an extremely useful facility. DOS
uses the < and > characters in conjunction with certain
commands to redirect files. As an example:
will redirect normal screen output produced by the TYPE
command to the printer. This is usually more satisfactory than
using the <PRT.SCREEN> key.
The VER command displays the current DOS version.
The VERIFY command can be used to enable or disable disk file
verification. VERIFY ON enables verification whilst VERIFY OFF
disables verification. If VERIFY is used without ON or OFF , the
system will display the state of verification (either 'on' or 'off ').
The VOL command may be used to display the volume label of
a disk.
External DOS commands
Unlike internal commands, these commands will not function unless the appro-
priate DOS utility program is resident in the current (default) directory. External
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