Image Processing Reference
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Table 2.3. Examples of point operations.
Definition ψ ( x )
(1) Multiplication by constant
ψ ( x )= cx
M [ c ]
(2) Substitution of constant
ψ ( x )= c
S [ c ]
(3) Addition and subtraction by constant ψ ( x )= x + c
A [ c ]
ψ ( x )= x c
P [ c ]
(4) Power by constant
ψ ( x )= e x
(5) Exponential
(6) Logarithmic
ψ ( x )=log( x )
(7) Absolute value
ψ ( x )=
ψ ( x )= x, if x ≥ t
(8) Thresholding (1)
, if x<t U1 [ t ]
ψ ( x )= x, if x>t
(9) Thresholding (2)
0 , if x ≤ t U2 [ t ]
ψ ( x )= 1 , if x ≥ t
(10) Thresholding (3)
0 , if x<t U3 [ t ]
ψ ( x )= 1 , if x>t
(11) Thresholding (4)
0 , if x ≤ t U4 [ t ]
(12) Idempotent
ψ ( x )= x
(13) Negation
ψ ( x )= 1 − x
(d) Shift-invariant operator
Definition 2.14 (Shift invariance). An operator O is said to be shift in-
variant (or position invariant ) if it is commutative with a shift operator T ,
that is, if the following equation holds:
O ,
∈O T
T = T
is the set of all shift operators.
Both the serial and the parallel compositions of shift invariant operators
are again shift invariant. A point operator and a shift operator itself are always
shift invariant.
2.4 Algorithm of image operations
In the last section, an image operator was defined as a mapping on an image
set or an algebraic operation applied to a set of images. It is another problem,
however, to perform such an operation with a general purpose computer or
a special purpose image processor. In this section, we will examine in more
detail concrete algorithms to perform unary operators of images. After giving
a formal expression as a general image operation, we will introduce several
important types of algorithms including a sequential type, a parallel type, and
local parallel operations.
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