Image Processing Reference
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( a )
( b )
( c )
Fig. 2.7. Chain code representation for a 3D line figure: ( a ) Direction code for a 2D
line figure (8-connectivity); ( b ) direction code for a 3D line figure (6-connectivity);
( c ) direction code for a 3D line figure (26-connectivity).
(1) Axis symmetry : Digital expression is symmetrical with respect to the co-
ordinate transformation or the exchange of coordinate axes. According to
the expression adopted in the text, the expression of a 3D line figure is
invariant with respect to exchange among i , j ,and k and the inversion of
the order of numbering.
(2) Direction symmetry : By exchanging a starting point and an end point, the
order of the direction codes and each direction itself are both inverted.
(3) Shift invariance : A digital expression does not vary by a shift of an orig-
inal line figure by integer times of the sampling interval.
(4) Finite memory : Digital expression of a line figure does not depend on an
arbitrarily distant part of a curve. That is, local change in a line figure
causes only local change in its digital expression.
(5) Line segment property : A digital expression of a line segment in the con-
tinuous space is a digital arc.
(6) Projection property : A digital expression of a projection of a 3D curve to
y plane is coincident to the projection of a 3D digital expression of
the same curve to the same x
y plane.
(7) Minimal property : Digitization of a curve in the 3D continuous space is
a result of the minimization of the distance (bias, discrepancy) in some
sense between an original continuous curve and its digital expression.
(8) Compactness : The number of codes (the number of chain codes, for exam-
ple) required for the digital expression of a given curve is minimal under
the condition that all of the above are satisfied.
These are only a guideline, as a method of digitization to satisfy all of them
does not seem to exist.
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