Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Remark 7.15. Virtual endoscopy was first reported in 1993 [Vining93]. The
method employed volume rendering and the editing of video images. It
took 8 hours to generate the first fly-through image [Vining03]. Authors re-
ported interactively generated moving images (2.2 frames/sec on the aver-
age by Silicon Graphics IRIS) of virtual bronchoscopy in 1994, using sur-
face rendering of bronchus branches automatically extracted from chest CT
images [Mori94b]. These days images obtained by surface rendering are
generated much faster than volume rendering by using graphic engines in
workstations. Nowadays, virtual endoscopy has become one of the impor-
tant tools in medical diagnosis and the quality of presented images has
greatly improved. Most of them seem to employ volume rendering, and
a viewpoint and a view direction are freely controlled interactively (9.1
frames/sec on the average by conventional PCs (CPU: Intel; Xeon 3.2GHz
2)) [Hong97, Hayashi03, Mori03, Dachman03, Rogalla01, Bankman00].
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