Image Processing Reference
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A brightness value I out ( i ) to be output at a point P i along a ray is given
by the following equation.
I out ( i )= I out ( i
1 )+ β i
b i ,
i− 1
β i = α i
( 1
α k ) ,
k =1
α i = opacity value at a point P i ,
b i = brightness value at a point P i .
The number i is given in the increasing order starting at a sample point
nearest to a viewpoint on a ray. The β i in Eq. 7.15 is called accumulated
opacity . The calculation is iterated on each ray until a point is reached that
is regarded as having no significant effect on density values of a rendered
image. A resulting value of I out ( i ) (accumulated brightness value) is given to
a corresponding pixel on a 2D image on an image plane.
This procedure is intuitively interpreted as follows. Let us assume first
that the i -th point P i has the brightness value b i and opacity α i .Thenwe
consider that there is a light source of the power α i
b i . The light reaches a
viewpoint (or an image plane) after passing through points P i− 1 , P i− 2 ,..., P i .
The fraction ( 1
b i incident to P i− 1 passes through point P i− 1 and
comes to the next point. Total sum of contribution from all of K sample points
on a ray to a viewpoint is given to a corresponding pixel on an image plane
as its density value (color value). In fact, I out ( i ) of Eq. 7.15 is expressed as
follows considering all contributions from the K -th sample point to the first
sample point.
α i )
α i ·
b k α k
α n ) .
k− 1
I out ( K )= I out ( 0 )+ b 1 α 1 +
( 1
k =2
n =1
Each term in the summation in the right-hand side of this equation corre-
sponds to the term interpreted as was explained above.
7.8.4 Properties of volume rendering and surface rendering
Let us summarize properties of volume rendering compared with surface ren-
(a) Volume rendering
(1) Volume rendering can be applied without extracting surfaces to be visual-
ized beforehand. In this sense, volume rendering is a tool to visualize or to
observe the structure of a 3D gray-tone image that has not been structur-
ized yet. It does not require any preprocessing such as segmentation and
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