Image Processing Reference
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Fig. 5.23. Digital knots of the length 4 .
Fig. 5.24. Example of a link consisting of two digital knots of the length 12 .
in practical algorithms to calculate it. We will briefly introduce one idea to
treat the Voronoi tessellation on a 3D image.
Let us consider a set of figures
F 1 ,F 2 ,
,F n }
on a 3D binary
.Here F i is an object (figure) in 3D space. Then, for an arbitrary
voxel Q in the background of
S R defined by the following
equation (5.30) is called a dominance area (or Voronoi region ) of a figure F i .
S R =
Q; min
d (Q ,F i )= d (Q ,F R ) ,F i S }
is F R
= set of all background voxels such that the nearest figure in
The result of division of all background voxels into dominance areas of figures
F i s (Voronoi regions) is called Voronoi tessellation . In the case of a 2D image,
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