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treated an ideal form of a line figure in 3D continuous space [Kauffman87].
Reports on the processing of the knot and the link by computer were very
Past research of the knot can be roughly classified into two kinds. One
is to transform a knotted line figure into a kind of symbolic representation,
and replace the shape transformation of a continuous line figure by the symbol
manipulation. This symbol manipulation is performed by computer. Examples
are determination of the kind of a knot and decision on whether a line figure
is knotted or not. This is performed by utilizing the transformation called
Reidemeister transformation which is well known in mathematics.
The other is to study properties of a digitized knotted figure that corre-
spond to those features that have been examined for a continuous knotted
figure in mathematics. This type of study has been performed very little ex-
cept for [Nakamura00, Saito90]. Let us introduce here basic properties of a
digitized knot according to [Saito90].
Definition 5.13 (Digital knot). If a connected component C consists of
four or more 1-voxels, and any of those 1-voxels has just two 1-voxels in its k -
neighborhood ( k =6 , 18 , 26), that is, if a figure consists of connecting voxels
only, a connected component ( k -connected) is called a digital simple closed
curve or ( k -connected ) digital knot . The number of 1-voxels contained in C is
called length of this digital knot.
Consider then a line figure obtained by connecting center points of 1-voxels
mutually adjacent on a digital knot with line segments. By doing this a polyg-
onal knot in 3D continuous space is obtained. We call this a continuous knot
C C corresponding to a digital knot C . A continuous knot C C corresponding to
a digital knot C becomes a continuous knot in the continuous space. Results
in the knot theory of mathematics can be applied to the above C C .
First a knot of a continuous figure is defined as follows in mathematics.
Let us denote by C p a figure derived by projecting the above continuous
knot (a polygonal knot) onto a suitable plane P (more strictly an orthogonal
projection of C C presented in Chapter 7). Then, if n points of C C are projected
to the same point of C p , this point is called n -fold point ( multiple point )( n
2 ). If the number of n -fold points is definite and all of them are generated from
only projections of points of C C , the projection is called a regular projection .
In particular, a double-fold point is called a crossing point .Thenumberof
a crossing point varies according to a projected plane. It may change by the
transformation of a figure, even if the topological properties of a figure do not
change. The minimum number of crossing points in all regular projections of
all knots topologically equivalent to a knot C C is called a minimum crossing
point number of a knot C C . For a stricter description, see the monograph and
text of mathematics [Kauffman87].
Thus, properties of a continuous figure C C as a knot are frequently dis-
cussed by using its regular projection on to a 2D plane. We also discuss char-
acteristics of a digital knot C using the regular projection of a polygon C C
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