Agriculture Reference
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fruit coloring was less extensive under black net and little affected under
white nets. The studies are in progress.
Central leader trees suffer the most total hail damage, while the modified
central leader suffering the least as observed in RHRS, Shimla.
Bagging of fruits also reduces hail damage. However, it is very labori-
ous. The spray of urea immediately after the hail storm helps in the repair-
ing process of hail injury.
The injury caused by hail damage makes the fruits susceptible to attack
of disease causing organisms. These diseases can be controlled effectively
by using mild fungicides so as to reduce the loss of fruit quality on expe-
riencing hail storm.
In order to heal the damage of hail on leaves and fruits and improve
the size of quality fruits two plant hormones namely CPPU (a cytokinin
derivative) and 30 to 60 ppm promalin (mixture of BA and GA 4+7) at dif-
ferent growth stages have been tried at Regional Research Station, Shimla.
The impacts will be known after the harvesting of fruits in current season
and flower bud initiation in the next season.
Himachal Pradesh State Department of Horticulture as a pilot project with
the Dutch technology, installed three anti hail guns. Impacts on hail con-
trol are under study and standardization, these will be discussed detail.
Climate change per se will have impact on economically important species
like apple but livelihoods of farmers are being threatened treatment due to
incomplete chilling, longer GDH, erratic irruptive rainfall, and snow in
winter, more frequent hail storms and enhanced abiotic and biotic stresses.
However, measure to adapt to these climate changes is critical for sus-
tainable production. Increased temperature and weather vagaries will have
more effect on reproductive biology. The strategies had been identified
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