Agriculture Reference
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during the rainy season. Green houses can be used for high quality veg-
etable cultivation (Ghosh, 2009).
Greenhouses provide better control over environmental factors affect-
ing plant growth. If environment is controlled, crops can be produced to
specific market dates and the quality maintained by eliminating many of
the variations and hazards associated with weather and biotic pests. Tem-
perature can be regulated with varying degree of precision, damage from
wind and rain is avoided; injury from plant diseases and insects is reduced
to a great extent. Growing media, moisture content, and fertility levels can
be adjusted to meet plant requirements. However, the precision with which
the environment is regulated is determined by the ability of the grower to
manage the greenhouses equipments and controls. A profitable operation
demands maximum and efficient utilization of greenhouse space. Crop
must be mature when demand is greatest. To meet this demand, complete
control of the greenhouse environment is essential.
Climate change in the form of temperature rise, a distinct change in the
rainfall pattern has already worried farmers in areas where crop produc-
tion is monsoon dependent. It has also raised questions over the profitabil-
ity of growing high value crops like roses, gerbera, anthurium, capsicum,
tomato, cucumber, etc. under open field conditions. This year droughts in
the initial phases and heavy rainfall towards the end disturbed the farming
schedule in parts of our country. This has raised the scope of protected
farming in our country. Fortunately, some farmers and enthusiasts are al-
ready reaping benefits of the system. Protected farming provides distinct
advantages with respect to quality, productivity and better market price
of the produce. Vegetable and flower growers can increase their income
by cultivation of vegetables/flowers during the off-season. The vegetables
produced during the normal season generally do not get good returns due
to their large availability or glut in the markets. Considering the volatile
climate, protected farming is now becoming more relevant to quality pro-
duction of high value crops, for example, vegetables, flowers and other
ornamental crops.
A basic reason for using a greenhouse is to control the temperatures at
which plants are grown. During the winter months, night temperatures
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