Agriculture Reference
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Serek, 1997). The application of ethylene action inhibitors lowers the en-
dogenous levels of most maturation-associated genes. Successful applica-
tion of 1-methylcyclopropene to permit extended storage requires prior
assessment of the appropriate concentration range and storage conditions
for each type of produce at particular maturity (Martinez-Romero et al.,
Avocado treated with 1-MCP for 24 h showed significantly less weight
loss and retained greener color than control fruit at the full-ripe stage.
Dou et al. (2005) found that 1-MCP treated at the concentration of 50-500
μg/L effectively controls the blue mold rot and post harvest pitting in cit-
rus. Treated fruit of pears with 1-MCP were more than 75 Newton firmer
than control fruit after 6 days storage period. Lime (citrus) treated with
1-MCP at low concentrations (250 to 500 mL/L) effectively suppressed
endogenous ethylene production and retarded yellowing at ambient tem-
perature. 1-MCP bound at the ethylene receptors in pear fruit and inhibits
cell wall-degrading enzymes such as PG secreted by pathogens and thus
prevents pathogenesis. The 1-MCP treatment of 'd'Anjou' pear fruit effec-
tively inhibited ethylene production after cold storage followed by ripen-
ing at 20 °C.
The use of 1-MCP suppresses the ethylene response pathway by per-
manently binding to a sufficient number of ethylene receptors. Combina-
tion of 1-MCP and controlled atmospheric storage did not affect the total
soluble solids content and titratable acidity in the apple fruit. Vitamin C
content in 1-MCP-treated fruits of guava was significantly higher than in
nontreated fruits (Singh and Pal, 2008). Post harvest application of 1-MCP
significantly delayed and suppressed the climacteric ethylene production
of plum with reduction in the activities of ethylene biosynthesis enzymes
and fruit softening enzymes in the skin as well as in pulp tissues. The onset
of ethylene production and the rise in the respiration rate was delayed and
suppressed in 1-MCP treated fruits of papaya (Manenoi et al., 2007).
Application of 1-MCP delayed the onset of the ethylene climacteric
in immature green and mature green fruits of golden berry in a dose-de-
pendent manner, and transiently decreased ethylene production in yellow
and orange fruit (Gutierrez et al., 2008). Softening and respiration rates
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