Agriculture Reference
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volumes more aroma and thus higher quality. Increased temperatures are
likely to increase sugar contents.
There is a positive effect of higher atmospheric CO 2 level on strawberries.
Elevated CO 2 conditions increased the content of aromatic compounds in
strawberry fruit. The anthocyanin content of strawberries was decreased
at high temperature in the growth chamber, that is, 35/20 °C (day/night).
North-West parts of India experiences frost in winter and frequency of
chilling temperatures below0 °C increased in recent past. Chilling/freez-
ing temperatures in winter causes hardening of fruit and softening with
dull color rendering fruit unmarketable.
15.5.11 RAMBUTAN
Rambutan production in Hawaii is affected due to different weather con-
ditions in recent past. As a consequence production is very erratic due to
inconsistent flowering and the occurrence of deformed or aborted fruit
devoid of fleshy aril has increased.
There has been a bumper crop of pineapple in Taiwan in 2007,which was
attributed to climate change. Fruit developed faster, ripened earlier and
were more sweet. Usually pineapples mature in May-June in southern
coastal counties of Taiwan but fruits were ready in March in 2007 due to
erratic rising temperatures/global warming.
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