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the floral disk. The most susceptible developmental stage was 14-20 days
after short-day (SD) period. Flowers exposed to 20 °C night temperature
formed only ray florets, whereas those exposed to 30 °C night temperature
developed both ray florets and bracts. Due to climate change a number of
threats were noticed to orchid community in the Yachang Orchid Nature
Reserve in Guangxi a good representative of the region. Decreased soil
moisture is likely to have a negative effect on growth and survival of or-
chids, especially terrestrial and saprophytic ones. The greater majority of
the orchids in Yachang Reserve (72%) have populations on or close to the
limestone mountain tops.
These populations are likely to shrink or even become extinct as the
warming continues because they have no higher places to which they
are able to migrate. Extreme rainfall events are projected to occur more
frequently, which can exacerbate erosion. These mayimpactorchid pop-
ulations that grow on steep cliffs. The majority of orchid species have
specialized insect pollination systems. It is unknown whether the change
or lack of change in plant phenology will be in synchrony with the po-
tential phonological shifts of their pollinators (Liu et al., 2010). Natural
and manmade changes have influenced the climate and in turn the eco-
system through several of its parameters such as rainfall and temperature.
One of the direct effects of this on orchid is, change in the plant structure
and composition. The changes in the climate have also affected sensitive
events such as flowering and pollination. This has forced the plant species
to shift to more congenial climate for its survival and eventually affecting
the coexisting biota (Shashidhar and Kumar, 2009).
In view of these problems, horticulturists will have to play a significant
role in the climate change scenario and proper strategies have to be envis-
aged for saving horticulture/floriculture from future turmoil (Sharma and
Roy, 2010).
• The most effective way to address climate change is to adopt a sus-
tainable development pathway, besides using renewable energy, for-
est and water conservation, reforestation, etc.
• Awareness and educational programs for the growers, modification
of present horticultural practices and greater use of green house tech-
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