Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
It is predicted that the global temperature will rise between 1 °C and
3.5 °C and that the rainfall is likely to decrease from the present levels
by 2100. Agricultural production in temperate countries is likely to go up
while that of tropical countries is likely to be affected because of increase
in temperature and associated risks such as emergence of newer pests and
pathogens. Climate change in terms of increased temperature may sustain/
decrease total black pepper production as increased temperature in plains
may decrease productivity but the increased minimum temperature in high
elevation may enhance productivity, thus nullifying the negative effect.
Studies have shown that warming has a positive influence on cardamom
production. But decreased premonsoon rainfall will have negative impacts
on these crops and hence, rainwater harvesting and providing it during
premonsoon season should get top priority, apart from other soil and wa-
ter conservation measures. Studies have shown that climate change (espe-
cially temperature increase) is likely to alter the flavor profile of aromatic
crops and it is very essential that under changing climate scenario, original
flavor of spices and aromatic crops is retained. Increased frequency of
droughts, floods, heat stroke, etc. as predicted would affect the productiv-
ity of these crops. Spatial and temporal variation in weather particularly
rainfall and temperature are of great concern in augmenting the productiv-
ity of these rainfed crops. Climate change is evident and it is a great chal-
lenge for scientific community to find solutions to mitigate the ill-effect.
Studies should be directed towards climate resilient agriculture to mitigate
the ill effects of climate change.
Climate Change
Eletteria cardamomum
Growth and development
Piper nigrum L
Rainfall Deficit
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