Game Development Reference
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To animate the Offset for the main texture and bump maps, you can use Time.deltaTime and the
speed to control the Offset.
Change the Update function to a FixedUpdate function.
Add the following in the FixedUpdate function for the main texture:
// texture offset variables
float offsetU1 = Time.time * -scrollSpeedU1;
float offsetV1 = Time.time * -scrollSpeedV1;
// animate the UVs
if (animateUV) { // if the flag to animate the texture is true...
Vector2 offset1 = new Vector3(offsetU1,offsetV1);
theMaterial.SetTextureOffset ("_MainTex",offset1);
You have no need for animating a bump texture on the laser, but animating a materials bump texture
can produce some very interesting water-type effects.
Add the following to change the bump texture offset value:
// bump texture offset variables
if (animateBump) {
float offsetU2 = Time.time * -scrollSpeedU2;
float offsetV2 = Time.time * -scrollSpeedV2;
if (animateUV) { // if the flag to animate the texture is true...
Vector2 offset2 = new Vector3(offsetU2,offsetV2);
renderer.materials[materialIndex].SetTextureOffset ("_BumpMap",offset2);
You can access the material through the renderer component with renderer.material if there is only
one material, or renderer.materials[ index number ] if there might be more than one. Setting the
index number to 0 will use the first material unless otherwise specified.
The trickiest part about this script is discovering what the internal name of the shader parameter is in the
script, so you can feed it into the SetTextureOffset method. Unlike regular variables/parameters, those
used in shaders do not necessarily coincide. A good place to begin your search for internal shader
parameter names is the UnityAnswers post,
can-i-get-the-a-list-of-the-properties-in-a-shader.html , where robertbu has generated a list
of internal names for several of the Unity shaders. If you are feeling adventurous, you may want
to download the Unity default shader package from .
It contains the source code for each of the built-in shaders and takes the guess work out
of identifying the correct parameter names. Once you track down the shader you are looking for,
spotting the names is easy.
Save the script.
Add the UVAnimator script to the Laser Point object.
Set the Scroll Speed U1 to 5 .
Click Play, and check out the subtle pulsing effect.
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