Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The GUI Skin is one of the few parameters that will not throw an error when missing. If you forget
to assign one, the default skin will be used. It is also one of the objects that can be permanently
changed during Play mode.
Select the Garden GUISkin from the Project view, and set the Label template's
Alignment (it's about 3/4 of the way down the parameters) to Middle Center.
Set the Font Style to Bold and Italic.
Increase the Label's Font Size until the text takes up a large part of the
screen (Figure 10-6 ).
Figure 10-6. The adjusted Label text
The vertical position of the text is too low, especially because you will be placing the two option
buttons below it. You could use the Content Offset parameters to make the adjustment, but in this
case, it will be better to add the adjustment to the script.
Change the GUI.Label line to
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 500, Screen.height / 2 - 200,1000,100),
Save the script.
A 200-pixel offset is too much for the small Game view, but it should be good with “Maximize on
Play” and a font more in keeping with the full-size window.
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