Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
As you select each component, the others freeze in the viewport, allowing you to see only the one
you have selected.
Delete Flame, and try out the other prefabs, deleting each when you are
finished (Figure 8-13 ).
Figure 8-13. The Bubbles prefab
From the Legacy Particles folder, drag Explosion into the scene.
Deselect it, and click Play, watching it in both the Scene and Hierarchy views.
The explosion happens, drifts up, and disappears—both in the scene and in the Hierarchy
view. Inspection will show that it has animation clips on both of the particle systems and a
TimedDestructor script on the parent object. You be using the SmallExplosion prefab, modifying it to
fit the need and then turning it off with a script.
Stop Play mode.
Delete the Explosion object in the Hierarchy.
Drag SmallExplosion into the scene, and rename it SmallExplosion2 .
Inspect the components in the Inspector.
The Legacy parameters can be a bit cryptic. Because they are legacy, you won't be doing much with
them other than tweaking them.
Near the bottom of the Ellipsoid Particle Emitter, turn on One Shot so you can
see a single “shot” at a time.
Fill out its parameters as per Figure 8-14 .
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