Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-43. The more specific collision report
Using Tags
Unity has a way of marking, or “tagging,” gameObjects so you can filter results from events like
collisions. If you look at the top left of the Inspector, just below the name, with an object from the
Hierarchy selected, you will see a property called Tag.
Select the Walkway, and locate the Tag label at the top of the Inspector.
Click the arrows next to Untagged, and select Add Tag….
Type the name of your new tag, Ignore , in Element 0.
As soon as you start typing, a new element is added automatically (Figure 5-44 ).
Figure 5-44. The newly created tab, Ignore
Select each of the walkway objects and the Raised Bed, and select Ignore for
each from the Tag drop-down menu.
Activate the Cube that should be blocking the Gateway. If it's not blocking
the Gateway, move it into place (Figure 5-45 ).
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