HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
An ID is a custom CSS selector, intended to be used once per HTML page.
A class is another custom selector, which can be used as many times as needed on a
web page.
Tags, IDs, and classes can be combined to create a compound selector, which
pinpoints a particular section of the page.
The use of HTML tags as a CSS selector is very straightforward. When an HTML tag, such as <p> ,
is defined as a selector with CSS, all <p> tags are immediately affected unless another CSS style over-
rules it. With tag selectors, it is easy to implement broad, sweeping modifications to existing web
pages. This ability is both a blessing and a curse. You'll need to make sure that any tag styles created
work well in all page variations.
A CSS ID is a custom selector intended for use once per HTML page. To define an ID selector, use a
leading number sign symbol, like this:
#header {
width: 960px;
An ID is applied to an HTML tag with the ID attribute:
<div id=”header”>
Note that the # symbol is only used when defining the CSS rule, not when applying it.
The class selector is similar to the ID, except it may be used multiple times on a single page.
Additionally, instead of a leading number sign, a period is used to define a class selector,
like this:
.legalNotice {
font-size: small;
To apply the class selector to an HTML tag, use the class attribute:
<div class=”legalNotice”>
The names of classes and IDs must begin with a letter and not contain any white spaces or other
special characters. Similarly, classes and IDs are case-sensitive. In other words, .legalNotice is not
the same as .LegalNotice .
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