Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Final Preparation
The first 16 chapters of this topic cover the technologies, protocols, design concepts, and
considerations required to be prepared to pass the 640-864 CCDA exam. While these
chapters supply the detailed information, most people need more preparation than just
reading the first 16 chapters of this topic. This chapter details a set of tools and a study
plan to help you complete your preparation for the exams.
This short chapter has two main sections. The first section lists the exam preparation tools
useful at this point in the study process. The second section lists a suggested study plan
now that you have completed all the earlier chapters in this topic.
Note: Note that Appendix D, “Memory Tables,” and Appendix E, “Memory Tables
Answer Key,” exist as soft-copy appendixes on the CD included in the back of this topic.
To o l s f o r Fi n a l P r e p a r at i o n
This section lists some information about the available tools and how to access the tools.
Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine and Questions on
the CD
The CD at the back of this topic includes the Pearson Cert Practice Test engine (software
that displays and grades a set of exam-realistic, multiple-choice questions). Using the Pear-
son Cert Practice Test, you can either study by going through the questions in Study
mode or take a simulated (timed) CCDA exam.
The installation process requires two major steps. The CD at the back of this topic has a
recent copy of the Pearson Cert Practice Test engine. The practice exam—the database of
CCDA exam questions—is not on the CD.
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