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Dynamic Actions
One of the most exciting features introduced with APEX 4.0 was dynamic actions,
which provide the ability to declaratively define complex client-side behavior such as
validations, highlighting, alerts, setting page values, and so on, without the need to
hand-code large amounts of JavaScript.
Dynamic actions have been significantly extended in APEX 4.2, providing more flex-
ibility and functionality declaratively. This helps the developer break away from the tra-
ditional server-side scripting model by executing the dynamic-action logic on the
browser instead of incurring a round trip to the server.
Dynamic actions are event-driven just as manually written JavaScript would be. But
APEX uses the declarative information provided to generate the required JavaScript
code, which is then implemented at runtime. This chapter examines and implements a
number of different dynamic actions so you can get a feel for what they can achieve.
Dynamic Action Benefits
One of the major advantages of using declarative dynamic actions as opposed to hand-
coded JavaScript is that dynamic actions understand and can take advantage of APEX
core objects such as regions and items, allowing easy reference and manipulation.
Another benefit of using declarative logic is that, when you choose to upgrade to the
next release of APEX when it comes out, the framework around dynamic actions will
ensure that any code generated will be compatible with the new version of APEX.
But beyond the base benefits of the declarative nature of APEX, dynamic actions let
you code very complex client-side actions without having to learn a whole new techno-
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