Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Configurable lists of values (LOVs) : Some LOVs, such as Status, are con-
trolled by the APEX team. Others, such as Owner, are controlled by the de-
velopment team. Instead of maintaining the developer-configurable LOVs
in a separate maintenance area, these lists are maintained in place. For ex-
ample, to add a new owner, you enter the appropriate name in the New
Owner item and click the Apply Changes button, and that name is added to
the LOV. Unfortunately, currently there is no easy and safe way to edit these
configurable LOVs; we hope this ability will be added in a future APEX
History Tab
The History tab (see Figure 15-10 ) presents a detailed audit trail of all changes made to
all features. The tab presents an interactive report that contains the feature, column
name, old value, new value, user who made the change, and when the change was
made. You can view the report on the History tab for quality assurance purposes or as a
source of evidence if contractual disputes arise.
Figure 15-10. Features History tab
Progress Log Tab
The Progress Log page in Figure 15-11 is, in effect, a diary. Stakeholders can, on the
Features Edit page, enter free-form text into the progress log at any time. The progress
log acts as a communication channel for the development team and can be used to re-
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