Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The Application Models page in the Administration section allows workspace ad-
ministrators to delete any design models. Deleting a design model has no effect on ex-
isting applications.
The only way to modify a design model is to create a new application from scratch,
base it on an existing design model, and then save the model at the end of the process.
File Utilization
The File Utilization page provides an overview of all the types of files and their total
size in the workspace, as shown in Figure 14-15 . There are various locations where
files can be stored as part of an APEX application. Over time, these files can take up
unnecessary space.
Figure 14-15. File utilization information
The export repository tends to consume most of the space compared to other files
listed on the File Utilization page. When you import an application into your work-
space, the original file is stored in the export repository. The name export repository
can be misleading because the repository contains the original application files that are
imported into the workspace. Once an application has been successfully imported and
installed, you don't need to retain the file in the repository, so it can be removed.
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