Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In this section, you modify existing pages and create new sections. You cover some of
the different types of content that you can add to websheets.
To start, you'll modify the home page by creating several sections that help players
get the most important information right away. Modify the Welcome section to contain
important news by following these steps:
1. Click the View tab at the top.
2. Select the Home page in the drop-down list.
3. In the Control Panel at the right of the page, click New Section .
4. Choose Text as Section Type , and click Next .
5. Enter Important News for Title .
6. Enter the following in the Content section:
Fees: Don't forget to pay your fees before
the next game (13-Jun) or else you can't
We won our last game and are now 2-1. Check
out the[[ results | Results ]]page.
The special notation involving the square brackets creates a link to the Results page
that you create later in this chapter.
7. Click the Create Section button.
The home page should now look like Figure 12-13 .
Figure 12-13. Important news
Note Notice that the link to the Results page is in red. That's because you created an
invalid link. Once the Results page is created, the link will turn grey.
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