Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Export Interactive Report Subscriptions : Dictates whether user subscription
information for interactive reports is exported as part of the application.
Export Developer Comments : Dictates whether any comments developers
have entered against APEX components are exported as part of the applic-
Export Translations : Dictates whether translation mapping information is
exported as part of the application. Translation text messages and dynamic
translations are always included in the application export, regardless of the
setting chosen here.
Once you've chosen the appropriate settings, click the Export Application button to
produce the application export. You're prompted to save it to your local machine. The
export file name consists of the letter f followed by the application ID, with a .sql ex-
tension. For example, an application with an ID of 9238 is named f9239.sql .
The downloaded file contains a large script that defines all the contents of the ap-
plication built in APEX. With the application pages are the shared components, includ-
ing authentication schemes, authorization schemes, themes in the application, UI set-
tings, reports, and so on. This script can, in turn, be imported into the same workspace,
a different workspace, or even a different server.
Supporting Objects
The application export captures the complete definition of your application, including
most shared components, but it doesn't contain everything you would need to com-
pletely reconstitute your application on another server. However, APEX provides a fea-
ture that allows you to bundle the scripts for things such as the underlying database
tables inside the application export. This feature is called Supporting Objects.
The Supporting Objects feature actually gives you a great deal more functionality
than that. It provides the ability to create and control the installation, and upgrade and
deinstall anything that can be scripted using SQL.
You reach the Supporting Objects management interface by navigating to the shared
components for an application and selecting the Manage Supporting Objects option
from the Tasks menu. Figure 10-13 shows the Supporting Objects home page.
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