Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8-27. Moving the item to its new position
To see the results of adding the new item, run the application and navigate to the
Tickets report (page 200). Click one of the Edit icons to bring up the single record view
(page 210). You should now see the result of the computation as a number of days.
When starting the process of creating a new ticket, the field isn't displayed because the
condition prevents the field from showing.
If computations are analogous to database functions, then processes are analogous to
database procedures. A process is a container for a unit of logic.
Processes are arguably the most complex part of APEX, because they're the con-
struct used to deal with data processing in the database as well as references to APIs
such as those used to send e-mail and perform any other business logic required in the
application. When dealing with data forms, the APEX wizard creates built-in processes
that manage the reading and writing of data from the form. Those types of built-in pro-
cesses are called data-manipulation processes .
Processes, similar to computations, can occur during both page rendering and page
processing. In the Page Definition screen, the processing locations are identified by the
gear icons. Processes support the APEX conditions feature, which allows processes to
be written as individual logic units with conditions determining whether the logic is
Execution Points
Process execution points are the same as for computations. The most commonly used
execution points for processes are On Submit - After Computations and Validations
and On Demand - Run This Process When Requested by AJAX, because as these
points support button-press activities and dynamic actions. The full list is as follows:
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