Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Form on a Table or View : A form built on the columns of a table or view,
having one item for each table column and processing a single row of data
at a time
Form on a Table with Report : A form built on the columns of a table or
view, having one item for each table column and processing a single row of
data at a time, plus a report on the contents of the table or view, with navig-
ational elements between the report and form pages
Master Detail Form : A form on a pair of tables having a master-detail
relationship. The APEX Master-Detail Form Wizard creates all the data,
processing, and navigational elements required for managing master-detail
Tabular Form : A multirow, multicolumn form (like a spreadsheet) that al-
lows editing of multiple rows and columns of data at once
Form on a SQL Query : A form built on the results of a SQL query. This is
a very powerful form construct due to its flexibility
Summary Page : A display-only form showing selected items from an exist-
ing input form page. A summary page is often used in building a confirma-
tion page for a wizard
Form on Web Service : A form on the arguments of a web service
Form and Report on Web Service : A single-row form on the arguments of a
web service with a corresponding report of all rows of data, including nav-
igational elements for moving from report to form and back
If you look at the available APEX form wizards, you see that several of them create
accompanying reports (the Form on a Table with Report and Form and Report on Web
Service Wizards). It's a common practice to use a report on a table, view, or web ser-
vice to locate a particular row of data and then edit that data in a form on the same
table, view, or web service. Some wizards simply create both the report and the form
for you, including all navigation elements and database-transaction processes required
to make everything work.
Form on a Table
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