Database Reference
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Note Once a form is generated, the objects in it aren't logically associated in any
way except that they collectively make a complete working form. Although it's possible
to alter or delete individual elements, doing so may cause the form to not work properly
if an error is introduced; thus doing so isn't recommended.
The APEX form wizards listed in Figure 6-1 are the fastest, most effective, and
most accurate way to create APEX forms. The wizards guide you through a series of
steps, collect the information required for the form type, and then generate all the re-
quired items, processes, and buttons. Using the wizards frees you from the tedious and
error-prone task of individually creating each component. After a wizard creates a
form, you can, and likely will, make modifications and enhancements to the resulting
components to tailor the form to your specific requirements.
Figure 6-1. APEX Form Wizard options
The following are some of the form types that you can create using the wizards lis-
ted in Figure 6-1 :
Form on a Procedure : A form based on the arguments of a procedure, typ-
ically to collect values for passing in to a procedure for subsequent process-
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