Database Reference
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List Entry Label
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Clear Cache
6. Click Create List Entry to save your changes.
You should now have a Shared Components list with two entries in it, as shown in
Figure 5-54 . The List Details tab shows some important information in a single view.
The Sequence value identifies the order in which the items are listed when using an un-
ordered list type. Some list types are classified as ordered, in which case they're sort by
name alphabetically. The Target value is the construction of a URL that includes the
page to navigate to as well as a clear-cache instruction. Several of the declarative forms
construct a URL based on the inputs provided in the same way as the list entry.
Figure 5-54. List entries at a glance
List Regions
A list as a shared component doesn't display in an application directly. A list region
must be configured on a page in order for the list to be seen by the user. APEX has a
template type defined specifically to support lists. The list templates contain all the in-
telligence required for dynamic lists and options for display. When you're creating a
list region, the template choice can be set, and it can be modified through the region
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