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Computer Immunology System
with Variable Configuration
Svetlana P. Sokolova 1 and Ruslan S. Ivlev 2
1 Russian Academy of Sciences
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation
14-line, 39, St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia
2 Institute of Informatics and Control Problems
125 Pushkin Str., Almaty, 480100, Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract. The paper provides a computer immunology system with variable
configuration for intrusion detection in computer networks. For identify the in-
trusion detection in the computer network we have used the cytokines networks.
The application package intended for solving the tasks of construction and in-
vestigation of nonlinear interval time-delay mathematical models systems has
Keywords: intrusion detection, cytokines networks, interval mathematics
model, interval stability, and robustness
Adaptive immune responses are generated following exposure to a foreign antigen.
The infected individual responds rapidly by production of specific antibodies made by
lymphocytes and by expansion and differentiation of effector and regulatory T lym-
phocytes [1, 3]. This response aimed at clearing the infectious agent is coordinated by
a network of highly specialized cells that communicate through cell surface molecular
interaction and through a complex set of intercellular communication molecules
known as cytokines and chemokines. The adaptive immune response is highly spe-
cific. Cytokines play important roles at different stages of the immune response, and
indeed are usually multifunctional.
One of the most intriguing features of the immune system is its multi-functionality.
Its cellular components are complex, contex-sensitive agents that respond in a non-
linear fashion to an enormously diverse set of signals from cytokines, chemokines and
direct cell-cell interactions. Further, the messenger molecules are typically expressed
by several cell types and are themselves multi-functional.
This paper is on the development of Computer Immunology System with variable
configuration for Surveillance Security Systems, including:
the development of the structure of Computer Immunology System with variable
the development nonlinear interval dynamics time-delay mathematical model for
cytokines interactions Th1(t) - Th2(t);
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