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Finally, it was decided that cryptographic mechanisms should not be built into the
APMS by itself, but rather be modeled as a service agent. The CA would be activated
by the APMS whenever encryption or decryption is needed. The advantage of this
modular design is that other components (even mobile agents) could use the function-
ality offered by CA. Furthermore, the platform could be made unaware of any addi-
tions or changes to cryptographic functions offered by this agent.
Conclusions and Future Work
A security architecture for agent based systems has been presented. The components
of the architecture have been briefly analyzed and explained. We tried to keep this
architecture transparent and simple to evolve and update it in order to cover future
requirements. Proposed architecture is compliant with the proposal of the FIPA. An
authentication algorithm has been developed and implemented. An extension of the
Component Agent Platform [6] has been proposed in order to achieve basic services
in authentication both in local and inter-domain scenarios.
Partial support for this research work has been provided by the IMP within the pro-
jects D.00006 and D.00175.
1. FIPA Web Site:
2. Gorodetski, V., Karsaev, O., Khabalov, A., Kotenko, I., Popyack, L. and Skormin, V.:
Agent-based model of Computer Network Security System: A Case Study. Proceedings of
the International Workshop "Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Com-
puter Network Security. LNCS, vol. 2052, Springer Verlag (2001) 39-50
3. Halonen T.: Authentication and Authorization in Mobile Environment, Tik-110.501 Semi-
nar on Network Security (2000)
4. Karnouskos, S.: A Security Oriented Architectural Approach for Mobile Agent Systems.
Proceedings of SCI 2000 conference, July23-26, 2000, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
5. Santana, G.: A Mobile User Authentication Protocol for Personal Communication Net-
works. IASTED, WOC 2001. June 2001, Banff Canada
6. Sheremetov, L. & Contreras, M.: Component Agent Platform. In Proc of the Second Inter-
national Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS'01,
Cracow, Poland, 26-29 of September, 2001, 395-402
7. Vlèek, T. and Zach, J.: Considerations on Secure FIPA Compliant Agent Architecture, In:
Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing and Services.
Selected papers of the IFIP, IEEE International Conference BASYS'02 Conference, Kluwer
Academic Publishers. (2002) 125-132
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