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Λ = N− 1
( S ( n )
− C ( n )) W ( n ) .
n =0
The probabilities P m and P fa can be calculated by (20) and (21). However,
m ( η −
µ =
(It is easy to see that in a general case, when an attacker selects ε ( n )= ε m
and m <m then the corresponding value of µ , according to (35) is increased. If
an attacker selects m >m the same value of µ as it appears in (35) is obtained).
Comparing µ given by (35) and µ 0 by (28), corresponding to the case of no
filtering attack, we can conclude that the tile-based WM system produces a m
times degradation of the WM system with respect to no filtering attack.
3 Simulation Results
Firstly we have used a 1-D simulation in order to check that, indeed, Var Λ 0
Var Λ 1 for any “short” pulse response. We have found that the approximating
relation stated above holds and hence the theoretical formulas (20) and (21) are
correct unless K N
2 . Thereafter we examined the effect of filtering attack on
a watermarked 2-D images. Two images,
, have been used to
embed WM in an additive manner according to eq. (1). The attack model was
taken as in (2):
U e n 1 + n 2
h ( n )= 1
2 δ 2
where U = n e n 1 + n 2
2 δ 2 . Four different cases have been considered:
O . No filtering attack when both W and
are white noise sequences.
A .
Filtering attack when W is a white noise sequence given by (15) and
also a white noise sequence.
B . Filtering attack when W is a colored noise sequence obtained after a passing
of white noise WM sequence through the filter with pulse response (36) and
is still a white noise sequence.
C . Filtering attack when both W and
are colored noise sequences obtained
after a passing of the white noise WM and additive white noise attack se-
quences through the filter with pulse response (36).
The correlation detector (6) has been used to decide whether a WM is present
or not. The results in the calculations of minimum values of WM lengths N to
guarantee P m = P fa =10 3 are presented in Table 1.
Here we can see, in Case A, that the use of filtering attack results in a
significant degradation of the WM system, especially for large δ , because the
number of WM elements required to provide P m = P fa =10 3 increases from
the order of tens to the order of hundreds. Simultaneously we can see in Figure 1
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